Jewish Community Calendar
Chabad of Alameda is printing a Jewish calendar ahead of the Jewish New Year - be a part of it!! Our beautiful Jewish Community Calendar, is customized for our community in Alameda. This publication will be mailed and distributed exclusively to the entire Jewish community, as well as their friends and supporters around the island. We have two ways of participating in the calendar. One is an ad for businesses and the other option is to dedicate a specific date in honor of a birthday or yarzeit of a loved one.
Calendar Advertisement
Participate in this one-of-a-kind publication through a greeting or ad in the Hebrew/Secular Art calendar that will grace so many homes and businesses.
Simple and classic format - easy on the eyes
Full color, professional and vibrant photography with all new artwork
Let the Community know you are here every day of the year! Ads in newspapers have a very short life span. Potential customers will view the “Jewish Art Calendar” the entire year - maximum return for your dollar.
Jewish holidays and Shabbat candle lighting times keep track of Hebrew dates and Jewish holidays in sync with the regular English calendar year
Receive a copy of the Calendar and as many copies as you want for your clients
Birthday and Yahrtzeits:
You can also honor your loved ones by dedicating their special day in the calendar.
Please fill out this form carefully. We will use the exact information that you print here. If you include the year of the event, we will find out the corresponding Jewish date.
Please take a moment to send us your advertisement or dedication by August 12, 2019